Journal Times Score Submissions

With the start of the 2006-07 bowling season, we would like to inform each bowling center of the procedures for reporting honor scores to The Journal Times.

Because of staffing cutbacks on the sports desk and earlier press starts, we must institute strict deadlines for the reporting of honor scores (800 series, women’s 700 series, and any 300 games).

We will leave it up to the discretion of each bowling center as to their preference for reporting honor scores (telephone, fax, or e-mail), but there are basic guidelines.

1) Honor scores must be called in BEFORE 9 p.m. When calling in an honor score, please have the following information ready: the person’s name, the bowling center and league name, scores of games bowled, final series score and how many 300s, 700s, or 800s the person has. Also, please indicate anything of note which is pertinent to the achievement.

2) Because of time constraints, we will not be able to personally speak with the bowler. Thus, it is imperative that the house representatives have the above information ready when they call. We will continue to do write-ups for every national score. If there is a special significance to an honor score, such as a city record, we will do a follow-up the next day. In that case, please include a phone number so we can contact the bowler.

3) If you are unable to call before 9 p.m. because of the lateness of league play, please fax or e-mail the above information to The Journal Times and we will take care of the write-up the following day. Please note that we will NOT BE ABLE to take any calls AFTER 9 p.m. In those cases, you may fax or e-mail the information to The Journal Times and it will be handled the next day.

Your cooperation is appreciated by the staff, Bowling Columnist and Sports Editor of
The Journal Times.

Contact numbers:

Journal Times’ newsroom fax number: (262) 631-1780

Journal Times’ sports e-mail address:

Journal Times’ sports desk direct number: (262) 631-1750